ALKINDI SPRINKLE Patient Referral Form
The Patient Referral Form is for prescription details and important insurance information to help with prescribing ALKINDI SPRINKLE® (hydrocortisone) oral granules.

Eton Cares
Get this quick reference guide to access Eton Cares services and suggested steps to treatment success.
ALKINDI SPRINKLE administration videos
Short videos that show the steps to prepare ALKINDI SPRINKLE and educate on exactly how to administer the treatment at any age.
Live Demonstration
Young Child
Older Child
Disease state education

Vital Function of Cortisol
See how important this glucocorticoid hormone is to the metabolic, cardiovascular, and immunological homeostasis in the body.

Physiological Cortisol Rhythm
Get this quick reference guide to access Eton Cares services and suggested steps to treatment success.

Primary and Central Adrenal Insufficiency
Read about how inappropriate cortisol levels in adrenal insufficiency can have a big impact on young patients.

ALKINDI SPRINKLE Prescribing Information

ALKINDI SPRINKLE Medication Guide and Instructions for Use
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